To make sure all officials, coach's, gym's and all persons registered with USA boxing stay within compliance of USA boxing rules , And to comply to the mission statement!
I have been a member of USA/ABF Boxing and USA Boxing on and off since 1986 excepting 2002 to 2012 during which time I served as a Village Trustee and Mayor. Over the years I have served our Adirondack association as a coach, JO Chairman, official and board member. I enjoy working with the coaches, boxers and officials to promote amateur boxing. There have been and will be many challenges as we move forward, and I look forward to helping our association meet them.
Vice President#
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
Love the sport of boxing and helping the youth I'm a level 2 boxing coach and been involved with boxing since I was 13 years old.
Chief of Officials#
I have been a member of USA Boxing since 1989. I am a level 2 Official. I have worked LBC shows,regionals,Nationals and NCBA as a R/J official. And for the past 4 years as the COO for Adirondack LBC. I have trained a number of our officials for our LBC over the past years.
My training:
Master official
Thank you
Sue Winslow
Done it before
Secretary #
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I have been a member of the Adirondack LBC for 8 years. I've been the Adirondack LBC secretary for the past 2 years. I am currently a level 2 official. Qualified referee/judge/timekeeper.
Treasurer #
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I would be interested in serving another term if the membership supports that. I would like to continue to help local clubs and boxers by ensuring safe and fair local competition, cooperating to support boxers who can qualify for national and international tournaments and otherwise sustaining a healthy local boxing community for the next generation. I have over 25 years of experience as an official, coach and administrator and will continue to volunteer for local boxing as long as I can. The Adirondack LBC has a great track record of financial management and compliance with USA Boxing. If elected to another term as Treasurer, I will continue this work by collaborating with the board and other members to adapt to changes in the sport and help Adirondack amateur boxers succeed at any level.