
USA Boxing SafeSport Policy Handbook including the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

Updated May 1, 2023

SAFESPORT TRAINING  -  Mandatory for non-athlete membership


To access the Safe Sport training, you must log into your USA Boxing account! (If you do not remember your username and password, call the National Office at 719-866-2323.)

NOTE: EVERYONE MUST have their own email address to register for safesport. Your email address is the only way that the website identifies you. It must be unique to you only. (If you do not have an email account, it’s quick and free to set one up with Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.)

Once you have logged into your USA Boxing account, look to the left side of the screen and click on - Member Area, then click on - Safe Sport Training

Step 1: At the bottom of the page, click on Register for Safe Sport. An application will appear with your information, click on CONTINUE, and then click SUBMIT.

Step 2: A pop-up box appears where USA Boxing has already been selected. You must enter your USA Boxing Member Number/Member ID. Please make sure you enter this carefully and correctly; don’t guess and don’t leave it blank. Click SAVE

Step 3: Another box will pop up that will have your name, email address, date of birth, and location. If the information shown is correct, click the box next to "I certify..." , then Click SAVE.

Step 4: The next screen will show (1) Account. On this screen you will create a password, then click NEXT.

Step 5: On the next screen, (2) Profile, select your primary position (coach, official, etc.) then click SAVE.

Once you have successfully created your Safe Sport account, Safe Sport will send you an email. Sign into your personal email, then click on Confirm Email Address, you will be sent to the Safe Sport website. Sign in with the username and password that you just created.

You may stop at any time and go back to it, picking up where you left off. From this point forward, you must go directly to to complete the training. USA Boxing will be happy to help you as much as we can with this process, but for technical issues with the website, please send an email to


Click here for USA Boxing SafeSport Policy Handbook including the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP)


The US Olympic & Paralympic Committee developed this training program to educate coaches, officials, parents and other adults about the identification and prevention of abuse and misconduct that may occur within sport. The training focuses on keeping athletes safe from bullying, hazing, and sexual misconduct and abuse.


To report all concerns involving alleged sexual misconduct, physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, or violations of the MAAPP, contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport directly at 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or go to their website, Reporters may report anonymously and there are no associated costs, fees, or other financial barriers to submit a report on the website.  The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct.

You may also report a non-sexual violation of the SafeSport Code (physical misconduct, emotional misconduct, or violations of the MAAPP) by emailing or clicking this link.

Reporters may report anonymously and there are no associated costs, fees, or other financial barriers to submit a report on the website.

Any report received by USA Boxing that falls within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction will be forwarded to the Center (by USA Boxing) within 24 hours.


Mandatory Reporting to Law Enforcement and/or Child Protective Services the Center and USA Boxing report all allegations of child physical or sexual abuse to law enforcement authorities.   

* For mandatory reporting laws, visit


Education is a key component of any abuse and misconduct prevention strategy. Awareness training provides relevant participants with information necessary to more effectively monitor their organization, minimize the opportunities for physical and sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, and respond to concerns.

USA Boxing coaches, officials, and LBC administrators are the representatives that are primarily and directly responsible for administering and supervising boxing events at the local level. As such, these representatives are required to be fully versed in USA Boxing’s Safe Sport Program and possess the information necessary to more effectively monitor their organization, minimize the opportunities for child physical and sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, and respond to concerns. LBC board members, club owners, parents, volunteers and athletes are strongly advised to be fully versed in the program.

Click here for Safe Sport's Breaking the Silence video

Parent Resources

SafeSport Youth Athlete Training

Free online parent training

Complete Parent Toolkit

Parents of Preschool Children

Parents of School-Age Children

Parents of Middle School Youth

Parents of High School Aged Adolescents