Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
Firstly, as a Coach and Club Owner, my agenda has always been to improve the image of our sport, industry, and lifestyle to attract more members to our clubs and events. Boxing has been a significant life-changing activity, imparting values, character, strength, discipline, focus, and confidence in my life and all who would allow me to speak into their lives. My firmly held beliefs have positively impacted the lives of countless athletes and coaches for nearly 28 years, 15 years of which have served Metro as Jr. Olympic Chair, Vice President, and more recently as President.
Leadership must originate with service, transparency, fair play, and honoring the contributions made by each member Coach, Official, and Athlete and not allowing these values to be set aside for the sake of sponsorship or corporatism. As President, I commit to continuing these practices and further innovating new practices that will lead our LBC to even more significant accomplishments.
Commit to continue USA Boxing Metro's momentum to achieve greater things. Vote for Ray Cuadrado as President of USA Boxing Metro.
Vice President#
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I currently serve on the Metro board and have since 2012. I want to continue to give our members the best opportunities to follow their dreams. As I have been for the last 11 years, I will continue to be helpful to all members, informative, organized, supportive, and most of all help Metro progress to the top. Our social media, website, and special events in Metro have really expanded in our LBC these last 4 years due to consistency. I will continue to follow the rules, support our clubs, educate our officials, and lift our members. My knowledge of boxing as a competitor, allows me to be able to relate to all members in our organization in different capacities. Being a NYC public school teacher gives me skills to help our organization get to the top. Thank you for your consideration. I hope I have earned your vote these last 11 years which will allow me to continue on the board.
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
Hello, I have started boxing in 2012 further to the passing of my dad. Boxing has allowed me to find guidance, structure and hope when I was at my lowest. I have been involved as an Athlete Representative since 2016 and involved with Boxing locally, nationally and internationally with a goal to give back to the sport that helped me so much.
Grass roots is really where the most impact can be made and I wish to continue helping and supporting the growth of our Boxing community and the sport in general.
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I have been Treasurer of Metro for many years and would like to serve my final term. I have diligently kept the Metro books for almost 30 years, through difficult financial times and when Metro was flourishing pre-COVID.
I have been a member of Metro for 40 years. During that time, I have been an official, served on the board, and was the national treasurer of USA Boxing. I am Vice President of the USA Boxing Foundation and have served on the Foundation for over 10 years. I have a lot of legacy knowledge of both Metro and USA Boxing and am dedicated to the success of both entities.
I have an MBA in Finance from NYU Stern School of Business and have been CFO for two not-for-profits. It would be a great honor to serve my final term as Treasurer.
Chief of Officials#
Run-offs: Eddie Claudio and Ernesto Rodriguez
Good day everyone my name is Eddie Claudio and most of you know me. I'm a master official with 30 years plus in USA boxing but longer than that as athlete while serving with the United States
Army during the Viet Nam era. I stand before you to convey key points that I feel I should once again be elected as chief official. I was the chief of official during the Joe Higgins administration and during the time some you were athletes like our vice president Sonya lamonakis. I bring to the table these key points:
1. I have vast experience as an official because of my longevity and knowledge I bring ti the table. I have officiated around the globe as amateur and profession. Countries like Japan,China, Argentina, Scotland, Spain, Africa just to name a few. I have seen it all.
2.Vision: I will enhance fairness, safety and the overall quality at officiating the sport.
3. Leadership as a former chief of official will be effectively managed and guided
4.Fairness and integrity will be upheld
5 Accessibility and communication will open to everyone for any concerns
6.Education and training to everyone not for only officials (clinics for officials) will ensure up to date with the latest rules
7 Implement safety measures decisions to protect boxers and ensure their well being in the ring. *Especially if am at ringside
8 Accountability: any official will be accountable for their actions and decisions while maintaining transparency in the process
9. Endorsement: I'm known throughout the world of the boxing community from respected figures. Such as commentators, boxers, coaches, celebrities , etc.
For example the likes of referees Joe Cortez, larry Hazzard, Tony Weeks, Commentators like Randy Gorden, Gerry Cooney, Timothy Bradley, and Celebrities like Fat Joe, 50 cent and Rosie Perez.
Inclosing, I never left the amateurs after everybody else that turn pro did. My motto is that you never forget where you came from and you should give back your knowledge to those behind you because is owed to these boxers to get the best officiating that their well deserved.
Thank you and I hope you make the right choice. God blessed everyone!
Eddie Claudio
I have been around boxing for about 15 years. I have been a parent, a coach and currently I am an official. I have great passion for the sweet science and I truly believe that I can lead our local officials to bigger and better by teaching, communicating rules & regulations by sharing experiences and knowledge with respect and dedication.
My name is Ernesto Rodriguez, I have been a member of USA boxing metro since 2008. I am currently a level 3 national official as well as an international 2-star official. I have worked diligently at over 1000 shows at the local and regional level, and 20 plus national events where I have received recognition as best official, judge and referee numerous times at different events. I’ve also had the distinction of representing the USA at 2 international events abroad. I have a full understanding of the commitment and dedication it takes to successfully run a sanctioned event. I have been fortunate enough to work with and be mentored by countless officials both past and present and share a deep affinity for the sport of amateur boxing. I think it's the right time for me to continue to maintain and pass on the legacy of USA boxing Chief of Officials.
I asked for both your Vote and your continued commitment to USA boxing metro and all its members and stakeholders. Working together with the board of the directors, coaches and all the officials for the betterment of our organization is what I am committed to do. Building a strong communication with coaches (by keeping an open dialogue) and continuing to help develop officials (clinics, seminars, and even one on one training sessions.) is what I believe will accomplish what we all want, and that is the best possible outcome for every boxer that participate under our jurisdiction. This will not be easy, but I have full faith that together working hard we will make the next quadrennial successful for USA boxing metro.
If you have any questions, you can call me at 1-347-870-2354.