Name: Mikiah Kreps
Birthdate: 07/26/1996
Current residence: Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Birthplace: Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Weight class: Bantamweight (54 kg/119 lbs.)
Coach name: Deborah Fields
Year you began boxing: 2001
Inside the Ring:
USA Boxing National Tournaments
2018 Elite National Championships - 1st
2018 Western Elite Qualifier - 3rd
2017 Elite National Championships - 2nd
2017 Eastern Elite Qualifier - 1st
2017 National Golden Gloves - 2nd
2016 National Golden Gloves - 2nd
2015 National PAL - 3rd
2014 National Golden Gloves - 1st
International Results
2019 World Championships - 3rd
Outside the Ring:
Favorite sports team: Lakers
Favorite food: Mexican food
Favorite movie: Million Dollar Baby
Favorite musical artist: The Weekend
Favorite boxer: Canelo Alvarez