Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I have been involved with the Wisconsin LBC for over 20 years and have held various positions. I understand the people in our LBC and I have always been a resource for them to move upward.
They can contact me anytime with questions.
I have always made it a point to meet the new members athletes and coaches and make them feel welcomed in our State and help them as needed.
I like how our state runs and I like running our events like we do at the nationals. It is important to me that the athletes know what to expect when they move to that level.
What is best for the boxer and what is best for Boxing has always been our guide. It is very inspiring to me to watch the athletes grow into successful adults and know Boxing had a part in.
I have a bachelors degree in business and communication and I work at an agency that serves the community.
Thank you.
Vice President#
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I have served on our WI LBC Board of Directors since 1982 as Treasurer, Registration Chair, Chief of Officials, and currently as Vice President. Also I am an Officials Clinician, and certified OIC. I have strived to help train new officials throughout the years, along with training new people for other BOD’s positions, such as Treasurer, Registration Chair, and COO.
I have worked many National Tournaments through the years as an Official, along with some International Tournaments as an AIBA Official. I also served many years on the RJ Commission for USAB.
I currently work for the Salvation Army, where I have managed a Family Store in Janesville for the last 10 years.
I would like the opportunity to continue working with our LBC Leadership, along with all of our members, to keep our LBC safe and educated in the future.
Winner by Acclamation (Ran unopposed)
I have been active as an official and coach. I have spent the last couple of years as the treasurer. I feel like I am just learning the job. I feel as though I can use the previous experience to help my LBC with job.
Athlete Representative #
2 positions to be filled by the LBC BOD in Jan. 2024 due to no eligible candidate applications.
I am interested in becoming more involved with the sport as I continue to pursue my goals. I would like to gain more knowledge about boxing outside of competing. This opportunity would help me learn and understand more about the sport I enjoy. I believe I can be an asset as an Athlete Representative for female boxers. I have been competing for the past 4 years. As well as assisting with fundraisers for the gym, and helping with other boxers.